Goodbye Internet

I heart you internet but sometimes we are each others worst enemy. So we are taking a little break from each other. Just once a week for a few days. Nothing too big. You’ll barely notice I was gone.

We don’t have cable at our home (got rid of it four or five months ago now, as soon as the Canucks were out of the playoffs) but the internet has kept us company for any time wasting needs. I hate how often I check my email. I’m not currently working, haven’t interviewed for any jobs recently nor do I have a small business I am running. Yet, I check my email at least six times a day on my MacBook or iTouch. If I had an iPhone I can guarantee it would be worse.

Becoming a Minimalist isn’t just about me donating a lot of stuff to Goodwill. I think an even larger project for me to work on is being present and mindful. Stop the multitasking. When I am playing with my son, or taking him to a swim lesson, I want to be engaged in what we are doing. Not making a mental grocery list or contemplating if we will have time to stop at the library. One step towards this is unplugging for set periods of time. I’ll still have my phone on me and will use texting when needed but no computer time Saturday and Sunday.

Less physical clutter and less mental clutter. So no Facebook this weekend, no blogs, no blog reading. My only two exceptions will be if there is a family chat time on Skype or if I want to listen to something on while I clean.

Great post over at Rowdy Kittens on this subject if you would like to read more.

  • I haven’t gone as far as giving up the internet but since my husband was laid off in October certian services had to get cut. Our cells phones were one of the first. We have a home phone with our internet which is cheaper than our cell phone provider so we kept it for communication (although there are times I wish people couldn’t get ahold of us). I was stuck to my phone, even in the bathroom I’m ashamed to say. I was never without it and checked everything almost every 2 or 3 mins. As I’m typing this it’s sounding even more pathetic to me. I was amazed at how free I feel without the cell phone. There are times when I wish I could get ahold of hubby while he’s gone but he’s usually with someone with a phone or somewhere with a phone, and he calls to check in regularly as well. I’m thinking I wont even get the phone turned back on when we have the money for them again. I might get a small prepaid phone just to make phonecalls while I’m away from the house but other than that I have my computer to check email and search internet ect….

  • This is a great idea and something I really have to consider doing. My husband is at sea so we communicate by email – sometimes long, sometimes lots of short emails. However, I always sit a bit longer and browse some of my fave sites…
    Saturday and Sunday seems a sensible and obvious “break” to take.

    • I am trying to make my internet time very focused and not let it bleed into the rest of my day. I’m trying to figure out Twitter but, really, I think it might be too much work and too much time connected to the internet for me.
      Taking a break from the internet and even my cell phone and text messages is so refreshing. I want to do more of it in 2011.

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